Montepulciano is a variety of deep purple color, soft tannins, with rich berry and cherry aromas and subtle pepper and spice flavors.
black pepper, Italian acetic acid flavor, fruity flavors of red mulberry, cranberry, plum, blackberry, put in a cup for a while, there is oak from a wooden barrel,
Chocolate and vanilla aromas~ The overall taste is well balanced. The tannins bring out the texture of hawthorn and red pomegranate. isn't too sweet. The latter part has a Smoky.
獲義大利最重量級的酒評家-LucaMaroni(LM) 98 分的好評。 (酒評家-LucaMaroni(LM) 1987年開始從事葡萄酒評的工作,評分制度相當仔細且嚴謹。)
請注意LucaMaroni給的最高分就只係99分。而這支野狼酒莊紅酒Poggio le Volpi Roma Rosso 2018 就獲得LucaMaroni(LM) 98分的評分,喜愛義大利的酒迷絕對不要錯過。
口感: 香氣有意大利Montepulciano葡萄的特色 - 黑胡椒,意大利醋酸味味的,果味有紅桑莓,西莓,梅子,黑莓,放在杯一陣,有木桶帶來的橡木,
巧克力與香草香氣~ 入口整體十分平衡,單寧帶起山楂,紅石榴的質感,吾會太秥口,亦吾會太甜,後段有Smoky 煙燻的口感,6-8秒的餘韻~~
獎項: 98 分 Luca Maroni
Mundus Wines 銀牌
Vivino 4.0